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C.A.R.E. for Mental Health Professionals Act

From the American Counseling Association (ACA):

The Compacts, Access , and Responsible Expansion (C.A.R.E) for Mental Health Professionals Act, H.R. 6076, seeks to reform licensure to include interstate mental health provider network. Introduced by U.S. Representative Joe Neguse, this legislation would expand access to mental health services for those seeking services across state lines. Eliminating unnecessary licensure barriers to interstate counseling services would allow for continuity of care, expedite the mobility of health professionals to address workforce needs and expand the availability of mental health services.   Currently, it is estimated 120 million Americans live in areas with shortages of mental health services, making them vulnerable to declining mental health. As a licensed professional counselor, you have firsthand experience to provide lawmakers regarding the urgent mental health needs of your clients as Congress makes major health policy decisions this year.  Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the mental health crisis in the U.S. and highlighted the shortage of mental health providers. Due to the advancements in technology over the past few years, the way we communicate has connected communities across the country, as we are no longer separated by state lines. Portability of licensure would meet these current needs to connect rural, disconnected and economically disadvantaged communities with the mental health services they desperately need. The American Counseling Association (ACA) is calling on you to share your story and let your voice be heard so that everyone has access to needed mental health services. DON’T DELAY! YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

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